We works with public and private research groups involved in molecular-based breading, transgenic plant production, and other plant-based life science endeavors. PermaClone's plant collars eliminate the liability and variance of traditional growing mediums, while reducing waste and overhead costs. Reach out today to learn how our decades of experience can help your group.
PermaClone's cultivation collars and protocols facilitate mediumless production, reducing waste and labor expenses while enhancing compliance to international standards in transgenic plants production. Reach out today, we have the tools, protocols, and tech support for most plant species and stages of development.

Why Permaclone?

Boost Root Growth
Produce successful clones with superior root structure, reduce veg times and mitigate risks posed by pest or disease contamination

Reduce Transplant Labor
Save on production costs and transplant labor by eliminating propagation media and lowering water and nutrient usage

Optimize Workflow
Automate system processes through simplifying collar sterilization and nutrient dosing to optimize workflow and growing conditions

Increase Bottom Line
Boost cultivation ROI - optimize costs, enhance production and maximize operational efficiency to build a better bottom line
Frequently Asked Questions
There are currently four methods to guarantee sterilization of your collars: microwave, dry heat (in a conventional oven), pressure cooking, or autoclave.
Place anywhere from 6 - 180 collars in a loosely-closed microwave safe container (turkey bags are convenient) with approximately 1 cup of water and microwave at 900 - 1000 watts for 15 minutes.
Following the pressure cooker's safety guidelines, cook the collars for 20 - 30 minutes at 15 psi. Be sure to start the clock once full pressure is reached. Let the pressure drop slowly and naturally. DO NOT rapidly cool or rapidly release pressure from your pressure cooker while sterilizing collars.
Bake the collars for 2 hours at 300 °F (150 °C). Please do not go over 300 °F. Although the polymer can handle higher temperatures, the food-grade dyes cannot and will slightly darken.
Following the autoclave's use and safety guidelines, sterilize for 20 minutes at 15 psi and 121 °C.
Yes! PermaClone's polymer blend AND central gap allow for safe and effective chemical sterilization with a simple soak in traditional oxidizing sterilizers like bleach. peroxide, hypochlorous acid, physan 20, zerotol, etc. The gap in the collars gives your cleaning solution immediate access to all surfaces and eliminating the need to manually open each collar. Be aware that traditional "neoprene" collars oxidize easily with these cleaning agent.
Altitudes affect boiling points, not temperatures. As such, for oven sterilization (dry heat sterilization), 300 °F is 300 °F no matter where you are in the universe. With pressure cookers and autoclaves, the pressure is held by weights or valves such that the altitude doesn't affect the boiling point and allows the chamber to reach the pressure required to achieve 250 °F (121 °C) required for sterilization.
Cutting Prep & Maintenance
PermaClone collars have a stronger 'skin' than other leading brands. This prevents root growth into the collar.
Here's a few things to consider. 1) For aeroponic cloners, don't cycle your sprayer pump for the first 24 hours of placement. 2) Add silicate additives to your mother plant nutrients at medium to full strength. Lastly, spray cuttings as you take them with water + a plant safe dosage of your favorite oxidizers (e.g. hypochlorous acids, peroxide, or peroxyacetic acid). Most product lines list or share dosages safe for foliar application and unrooted cuttings.
Shipping, Handling & Warranty
Yes we do, shipping costs apply.
We offer a 5 year warranty, but this polymer blend has been shown to last over 10 years under much harsher conditions than those in aeroponics. Time will tell, and our warranty will track what we discover in the veg space. For now, we promise 5 years of productivity or we'll replace them for free!